2022 BEKASI MERDEKA CONTEST YF4SEK UBN Summary NIL Unique 0 Q-pt. Mult/Num RST Numb/0-pt Log QSOs <3 logs Dupes Errors Errors QSO Errors ------------------------------------------------------------------ YF4SEK 2 1 0 1 0 1 Multiplier/num error. Received mult/num does not agree with sent mult/num. 7000 PH 2022-08-17 0519 YF4SEK 59 006 YE0PO 59 029 7000 PH 2022-08-17 0519 YE0PO 59 033 YF4SEK 59 006 NIL. QSO with station on this band, not in YD2AXH.log 3500 PH 2022-08-17 1044 YF4SEK 59 065 YD2AXH 59 020 NIL. QSO with station on this band, not in YD3RAN.log 7000 PH 2022-08-17 1251 YF4SEK 59 102 YD3RAN 59 105 Number error. Received number does not agree with sent number. 7000 PH 2022-08-17 0519 YF4SEK 59 006 YE0PO 59 029 7000 PH 2022-08-17 0519 YE0PO 59 033 YF4SEK 59 006 Unique: YC1CW0 7140 PH 2022-08-17 0517 YF4SEK 59 005 YC1CW0 59 009 Summary of Cabrillo YF4SEK.log START-OF-LOG: 3.0 LOCATION: DX CALLSIGN: YF4SEK CLUB: YH4SP CONTEST: YB_BMC_2022 CATEGORY-OPERATOR: SINGLE-OP CATEGORY-ASSISTED: NON-ASSISTED CATEGORY-BAND: ALL CATEGORY-MODE: SSB CATEGORY-POWER: HIGH CATEGORY-STATION: FIXED CATEGORY-TRANSMITTER: ONE CLAIMED-SCORE: 6270 ********* OPERATORS: YF4SEK NAME: EDI SUWANTO Mult: 3850 PH 2022-08-17 1024 YF4SEK 59 059 YC1CWO 59 163 - Multiplier YC1 Mult: 3815 PH 2022-08-17 1025 YF4SEK 59 060 YB1MAE 59 143 - Multiplier YB1 Mult: 3830 PH 2022-08-17 1030 YF4SEK 59 062 YD0BBJ 59 185 - Multiplier YD0 Mult: 3850 PH 2022-08-17 1037 YF4SEK 59 064 YB2HAF 59 248 - Multiplier YB2 Mult: 3820 PH 2022-08-17 1046 YF4SEK 59 066 7A1BKS 59 049 - Multiplier 7A1 Mult: 3845 PH 2022-08-17 1144 YF4SEK 59 075 YD9BJX 59 099 - Multiplier YD9 Mult: 3845 PH 2022-08-17 1153 YF4SEK 59 080 YC0BDB 59 168 - Multiplier YC0 Mult: 3850 PH 2022-08-17 1155 YF4SEK 59 081 YC9DLL 59 197 - Multiplier YC9 Mult: 3815 PH 2022-08-17 1158 YF4SEK 59 082 YB5DDE 59 089 - Multiplier YB5 Mult: 7120 PH 2022-08-17 0509 YF4SEK 59 001 YF4SDS 59 058 - Multiplier YF4 Mult: 7130 PH 2022-08-17 0514 YF4SEK 59 003 YD1CZE 59 018 - Multiplier YD1 Mult: 7135 PH 2022-08-17 0515 YF4SEK 59 004 YC0BDB 59 039 - Multiplier YC0 Mult: 7155 PH 2022-08-17 0520 YF4SEK 59 007 YC1RDH 59 073 - Multiplier YC1 Mult: 7165 PH 2022-08-17 0522 YF4SEK 59 008 YB1OKZ 59 082 - Multiplier YB1 Mult: 7170 PH 2022-08-17 0523 YF4SEK 59 009 YD0BBJ 59 110 - Multiplier YD0 Mult: 7175 PH 2022-08-17 0524 YF4SEK 59 010 YF3FBV 59 116 - Multiplier YF3 Mult: 7160 PH 2022-08-17 0532 YF4SEK 59 012 7A1BKS 59 113 - Multiplier 7A1 Mult: 7143 PH 2022-08-17 0534 YF4SEK 59 013 YE1BHR 59 081 - Multiplier YE1 Mult: 7170 PH 2022-08-17 0546 YF4SEK 59 016 YB2HAF 59 182 - Multiplier YB2 Mult: 7165 PH 2022-08-17 0550 YF4SEK 59 019 YC2BST 59 116 - Multiplier YC2 Mult: 7130 PH 2022-08-17 0553 YF4SEK 59 020 YC3FTY 59 095 - Multiplier YC3 Mult: 7105 PH 2022-08-17 0558 YF4SEK 59 022 YF1ALO 59 129 - Multiplier YF1 Mult: 7100 PH 2022-08-17 0839 YF4SEK 59 023 YF9DIM 59 122 - Multiplier YF9 Mult: 7130 PH 2022-08-17 0846 YF4SEK 59 027 YF8FY 59 047 - Multiplier YF8 Mult: 7155 PH 2022-08-17 0851 YF4SEK 59 030 YE9CJQ 59 103 - Multiplier YE9 Mult: 7175 PH 2022-08-17 0854 YF4SEK 59 031 YC7BNN 59 060 - Multiplier YC7 Mult: 7185 PH 2022-08-17 0857 YF4SEK 59 032 YD8IKY 59 034 - Multiplier YD8 Mult: 7195 PH 2022-08-17 0859 YF4SEK 59 033 7C4D 59 065 - Multiplier 7C4 Mult: 7200 PH 2022-08-17 0900 YF4SEK 59 034 YB4KAR 59 065 - Multiplier YB4 Mult: 7130 PH 2022-08-17 0908 YF4SEK 59 039 YC9BQM 59 104 - Multiplier YC9 Mult: 7157 PH 2022-08-17 0917 YF4SEK 59 043 YC4SJA 59 078 - Multiplier YC4 Mult: 7175 PH 2022-08-17 0922 YF4SEK 59 046 YE3FAX 59 122 - Multiplier YE3 Mult: 7108 PH 2022-08-17 0930 YF4SEK 59 047 YD5ARQ 59 010 - Multiplier YD5 Mult: 7112 PH 2022-08-17 0931 YF4SEK 59 048 YB7GRN 59 063 - Multiplier YB7 Mult: 7140 PH 2022-08-17 0941 YF4SEK 59 049 YE2DOR 59 121 - Multiplier YE2 Mult: 7150 PH 2022-08-17 0945 YF4SEK 59 050 YD9GFT 59 041 - Multiplier YD9 Mult: 7185 PH 2022-08-17 1004 YF4SEK 59 052 YD3CQX 59 062 - Multiplier YD3 Mult: 7115 PH 2022-08-17 1054 YF4SEK 59 067 YD7ICF 59 129 - Multiplier YD7 Mult: 7135 PH 2022-08-17 1057 YF4SEK 59 069 YB0ECT 59 117 - Multiplier YB0 Mult: 7108 PH 2022-08-17 1221 YF4SEK 59 087 YD2ABS 59 063 - Multiplier YD2 Mult: 7120 PH 2022-08-17 1224 YF4SEK 59 089 YC8SGY 59 050 - Multiplier YC8 Mult: 7135 PH 2022-08-17 1230 YF4SEK 59 091 YB3PIN 59 026 - Multiplier YB3 Mult: 7170 PH 2022-08-17 1237 YF4SEK 59 094 YB9JIP 59 185 - Multiplier YB9 Mult: 7180 PH 2022-08-17 1303 YF4SEK 59 107 YB5DDE 59 133 - Multiplier YB5 Mult: 7125 PH 2022-08-17 1544 YF4SEK 59 114 YE8DWC 59 018 - Multiplier YE8 QPts: 7120 PH 2022-08-17 0509 YF4SEK 59 001 YF4SDS 59 058 Pt = 3 QPts: 7125 PH 2022-08-17 0511 YF4SEK 59 002 YF4SDF 59 113 Pt = 3 QPts: 7130 PH 2022-08-17 0514 YF4SEK 59 003 YD1CZE 59 018 Pt = 5 QPts: 7135 PH 2022-08-17 0515 YF4SEK 59 004 YC0BDB 59 039 Pt = 5 QPts: 7155 PH 2022-08-17 0520 YF4SEK 59 007 YC1RDH 59 073 Pt = 5 QPts: 7165 PH 2022-08-17 0522 YF4SEK 59 008 YB1OKZ 59 082 Pt = 5 QPts: 7170 PH 2022-08-17 0523 YF4SEK 59 009 YD0BBJ 59 110 Pt = 5 QPts: 7175 PH 2022-08-17 0524 YF4SEK 59 010 YF3FBV 59 116 Pt = 5 QPts: 7180 PH 2022-08-17 0528 YF4SEK 59 011 YB1SNS 59 115 Pt = 5 QPts: 7160 PH 2022-08-17 0532 YF4SEK 59 012 7A1BKS 59 113 Pt = 10 QPts: 7143 PH 2022-08-17 0534 YF4SEK 59 013 YE1BHR 59 081 Pt = 5 QPts: 7120 PH 2022-08-17 0538 YF4SEK 59 014 YD1FMV 59 125 Pt = 5 QPts: 7120 PH 2022-08-17 0541 YF4SEK 59 015 YD1IOU 59 011 Pt = 5 QPts: 7170 PH 2022-08-17 0546 YF4SEK 59 016 YB2HAF 59 182 Pt = 5 QPts: 7185 PH 2022-08-17 0547 YF4SEK 59 017 YB1GDL 59 148 Pt = 5 QPts: 7175 PH 2022-08-17 0548 YF4SEK 59 018 YC1KAJ 59 111 Pt = 5 QPts: 7165 PH 2022-08-17 0550 YF4SEK 59 019 YC2BST 59 116 Pt = 5 QPts: 7130 PH 2022-08-17 0553 YF4SEK 59 020 YC3FTY 59 095 Pt = 5 QPts: 7120 PH 2022-08-17 0557 YF4SEK 59 021 YC1LFI 59 002 Pt = 5 QPts: 7105 PH 2022-08-17 0558 YF4SEK 59 022 YF1ALO 59 129 Pt = 5 QPts: 7100 PH 2022-08-17 0839 YF4SEK 59 023 YF9DIM 59 122 Pt = 5 QPts: 7105 PH 2022-08-17 0840 YF4SEK 59 024 YD1FFB 59 035 Pt = 5 QPts: 7115 PH 2022-08-17 0841 YF4SEK 59 025 YC1RYV 59 071 Pt = 5 QPts: 7125 PH 2022-08-17 0842 YF4SEK 59 026 YC2COM 59 136 Pt = 5 QPts: 7130 PH 2022-08-17 0846 YF4SEK 59 027 YF8FY 59 047 Pt = 5 QPts: 7145 PH 2022-08-17 0849 YF4SEK 59 028 YF8FMM 59 035 Pt = 5 QPts: 7150 PH 2022-08-17 0850 YF4SEK 59 029 YC1KQV 59 127 Pt = 5 QPts: 7155 PH 2022-08-17 0851 YF4SEK 59 030 YE9CJQ 59 103 Pt = 5 QPts: 7175 PH 2022-08-17 0854 YF4SEK 59 031 YC7BNN 59 060 Pt = 5 QPts: 7185 PH 2022-08-17 0857 YF4SEK 59 032 YD8IKY 59 034 Pt = 5 QPts: 7195 PH 2022-08-17 0859 YF4SEK 59 033 7C4D 59 065 Pt = 3 QPts: 7200 PH 2022-08-17 0900 YF4SEK 59 034 YB4KAR 59 065 Pt = 3 QPts: 7105 PH 2022-08-17 0901 YF4SEK 59 035 YC2XCD 59 136 Pt = 5 QPts: 7115 PH 2022-08-17 0903 YF4SEK 59 036 YB1LRG 59 139 Pt = 5 QPts: 7120 PH 2022-08-17 0904 YF4SEK 59 037 YC1PIO 59 208 Pt = 5 QPts: 7125 PH 2022-08-17 0907 YF4SEK 59 038 YB2CRN 59 063 Pt = 5 QPts: 7130 PH 2022-08-17 0908 YF4SEK 59 039 YC9BQM 59 104 Pt = 5 QPts: 7133 PH 2022-08-17 0913 YF4SEK 59 040 YC1FCN 59 052 Pt = 5 QPts: 7138 PH 2022-08-17 0914 YF4SEK 59 041 YC2DOP 59 002 Pt = 5 QPts: 7150 PH 2022-08-17 0916 YF4SEK 59 042 YB1CQU 59 192 Pt = 5 QPts: 7157 PH 2022-08-17 0917 YF4SEK 59 043 YC4SJA 59 078 Pt = 3 QPts: 7160 PH 2022-08-17 0918 YF4SEK 59 044 YC0PGN 59 094 Pt = 5 QPts: 7173 PH 2022-08-17 0921 YF4SEK 59 045 YC3BQO 59 084 Pt = 5 QPts: 7175 PH 2022-08-17 0922 YF4SEK 59 046 YE3FAX 59 122 Pt = 5 QPts: 7108 PH 2022-08-17 0930 YF4SEK 59 047 YD5ARQ 59 010 Pt = 5 QPts: 7112 PH 2022-08-17 0931 YF4SEK 59 048 YB7GRN 59 063 Pt = 5 QPts: 7140 PH 2022-08-17 0941 YF4SEK 59 049 YE2DOR 59 121 Pt = 5 QPts: 7150 PH 2022-08-17 0945 YF4SEK 59 050 YD9GFT 59 041 Pt = 5 QPts: 7175 PH 2022-08-17 1001 YF4SEK 59 051 YE9CZY 59 043 Pt = 5 QPts: 7185 PH 2022-08-17 1004 YF4SEK 59 052 YD3CQX 59 062 Pt = 5 QPts: 7190 PH 2022-08-17 1005 YF4SEK 59 053 YC2DMA 59 155 Pt = 5 QPts: 7105 PH 2022-08-17 1009 YF4SEK 59 054 YC1DMI 59 058 Pt = 5 QPts: 7125 PH 2022-08-17 1010 YF4SEK 59 055 YC9DLL 59 160 Pt = 5 QPts: 7130 PH 2022-08-17 1013 YF4SEK 59 056 YB2SPP 59 019 Pt = 5 QPts: 7135 PH 2022-08-17 1016 YF4SEK 59 057 YB1DNR 59 049 Pt = 5 QPts: 7150 PH 2022-08-17 1018 YF4SEK 59 058 YC7AFB 59 044 Pt = 5 QPts: 3850 PH 2022-08-17 1024 YF4SEK 59 059 YC1CWO 59 163 Pt = 5 QPts: 3815 PH 2022-08-17 1025 YF4SEK 59 060 YB1MAE 59 143 Pt = 5 QPts: 3825 PH 2022-08-17 1028 YF4SEK 59 061 YC1CLE 59 087 Pt = 5 QPts: 3830 PH 2022-08-17 1030 YF4SEK 59 062 YD0BBJ 59 185 Pt = 5 QPts: 3835 PH 2022-08-17 1034 YF4SEK 59 063 YC1KQV 59 145 Pt = 5 QPts: 3850 PH 2022-08-17 1037 YF4SEK 59 064 YB2HAF 59 248 Pt = 5 QPts: 3820 PH 2022-08-17 1046 YF4SEK 59 066 7A1BKS 59 049 Pt = 10 QPts: 7115 PH 2022-08-17 1054 YF4SEK 59 067 YD7ICF 59 129 Pt = 5 QPts: 7120 PH 2022-08-17 1056 YF4SEK 59 068 YD8DTP 59 003 Pt = 5 QPts: 7135 PH 2022-08-17 1057 YF4SEK 59 069 YB0ECT 59 117 Pt = 5 QPts: 7140 PH 2022-08-17 1059 YF4SEK 59 070 YC3INK 59 126 Pt = 5 QPts: 7150 PH 2022-08-17 1102 YF4SEK 59 071 YC3BUE 59 168 Pt = 5 QPts: 7190 PH 2022-08-17 1106 YF4SEK 59 072 YD9BIJ 59 063 Pt = 5 QPts: 3820 PH 2022-08-17 1134 YF4SEK 59 073 YB1IUQ 59 136 Pt = 5 QPts: 3860 PH 2022-08-17 1139 YF4SEK 59 074 YB1GDL 59 246 Pt = 5 QPts: 3845 PH 2022-08-17 1144 YF4SEK 59 075 YD9BJX 59 099 Pt = 5 QPts: 3820 PH 2022-08-17 1147 YF4SEK 59 076 YC1LFI 59 084 Pt = 5 QPts: 3825 PH 2022-08-17 1149 YF4SEK 59 077 YB2PSU 59 196 Pt = 5 QPts: 3830 PH 2022-08-17 1150 YF4SEK 59 078 YB1AM 59 037 Pt = 5 QPts: 3835 PH 2022-08-17 1151 YF4SEK 59 079 YC1KAJ 59 190 Pt = 5 QPts: 3845 PH 2022-08-17 1153 YF4SEK 59 080 YC0BDB 59 168 Pt = 5 QPts: 3850 PH 2022-08-17 1155 YF4SEK 59 081 YC9DLL 59 197 Pt = 5 QPts: 3815 PH 2022-08-17 1158 YF4SEK 59 082 YB5DDE 59 089 Pt = 5 QPts: 3820 PH 2022-08-17 1203 YF4SEK 59 083 YB2TDP 59 072 Pt = 5 QPts: 3830 PH 2022-08-17 1207 YF4SEK 59 084 YC9ENO 59 147 Pt = 5 QPts: 7100 PH 2022-08-17 1217 YF4SEK 59 085 YC4GAS 59 135 Pt = 3 QPts: 7105 PH 2022-08-17 1219 YF4SEK 59 086 YB7CV 59 068 Pt = 5 QPts: 7108 PH 2022-08-17 1221 YF4SEK 59 087 YD2ABS 59 063 Pt = 5 QPts: 7112 PH 2022-08-17 1222 YF4SEK 59 088 YC2KJC 59 028 Pt = 5 QPts: 7120 PH 2022-08-17 1224 YF4SEK 59 089 YC8SGY 59 050 Pt = 5 QPts: 7125 PH 2022-08-17 1226 YF4SEK 59 090 YC1XCN 59 127 Pt = 5 QPts: 7135 PH 2022-08-17 1230 YF4SEK 59 091 YB3PIN 59 026 Pt = 5 QPts: 7140 PH 2022-08-17 1232 YF4SEK 59 092 YC0ATP 59 150 Pt = 5 QPts: 7145 PH 2022-08-17 1235 YF4SEK 59 093 YC8FIL 59 091 Pt = 5 QPts: 7170 PH 2022-08-17 1237 YF4SEK 59 094 YB9JIP 59 185 Pt = 5 QPts: 7180 PH 2022-08-17 1239 YF4SEK 59 095 YB1GUE 59 066 Pt = 5 QPts: 7185 PH 2022-08-17 1240 YF4SEK 59 096 YC7LXI 59 139 Pt = 5 QPts: 7100 PH 2022-08-17 1243 YF4SEK 59 097 YC0SJK 59 172 Pt = 5 QPts: 7105 PH 2022-08-17 1244 YF4SEK 59 098 YC7HSL 59 133 Pt = 5 QPts: 7112 PH 2022-08-17 1245 YF4SEK 59 099 YB7CAA 59 148 Pt = 5 QPts: 7125 PH 2022-08-17 1248 YF4SEK 59 100 YB1EME 59 025 Pt = 5 QPts: 7135 PH 2022-08-17 1250 YF4SEK 59 101 YB1MBV 59 214 Pt = 5 QPts: 7145 PH 2022-08-17 1253 YF4SEK 59 103 YD2RTG 59 091 Pt = 5 QPts: 7155 PH 2022-08-17 1254 YF4SEK 59 104 YD0NHG 59 301 Pt = 5 QPts: 7175 PH 2022-08-17 1257 YF4SEK 59 105 YB1AM 59 067 Pt = 5 QPts: 7185 PH 2022-08-17 1300 YF4SEK 59 106 YB1IUQ 59 162 Pt = 5 QPts: 7180 PH 2022-08-17 1303 YF4SEK 59 107 YB5DDE 59 133 Pt = 5 QPts: 3870 PH 2022-08-17 1310 YF4SEK 59 108 YC1HLT 59 167 Pt = 5 QPts: 7112 PH 2022-08-17 1313 YF4SEK 59 109 YB7JZ 59 136 Pt = 5 QPts: 7140 PH 2022-08-17 1319 YF4SEK 59 110 YC1BRG 59 183 Pt = 5 QPts: 7145 PH 2022-08-17 1320 YF4SEK 59 111 YC8RAG 59 019 Pt = 5 QPts: 7160 PH 2022-08-17 1323 YF4SEK 59 112 YD1DRH 59 174 Pt = 5 QPts: 7103 PH 2022-08-17 1541 YF4SEK 59 113 YD0ASY 59 021 Pt = 5 QPts: 7125 PH 2022-08-17 1544 YF4SEK 59 114 YE8DWC 59 018 Pt = 5 QPts: 7150 PH 2022-08-17 1547 YF4SEK 59 115 YB7BGF 59 082 Pt = 5 QPts: 7160 PH 2022-08-17 1548 YF4SEK 59 116 YC1BTK 59 115 Pt = 5 Total NILs: 2 Band QSOs Pts. Mults ------------------------------ 3500 20 105 9 7000 92 453 36 ------------------------------ Totals 112 558 45 Num CallSigns in <3 logs: 1 Actual Score: 25110 ********* End of file ---------------------------------------------------------------